VR EXPERIENCE MX VISION RIFFEL Virtual Reality Cafundó created a piloting simulation in virtual reality for a new concept of smart glasses by Riffel Motospirit. +…+ […]
NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION DAY SESI Animation + Game + Virtual Reality Interactive and tech activities to make the National Civil Construction Day even more special, smart and […]
NDESIGN PARAHYBA AR NDESIGN PARAHYBA 2016 Augmented Reality + App The application with augmented reality interaction and 360° visualization that enhances connectivity between people. +…+ WATCH […]
ELISA ANDREOLI – LIFE AND WORKS COLÉGIO ELISA ANDREOLI Animation Animation about the life story of the religious Elisa Andreoli using parallax technique. +…+ WATCH +…+ […]
HOLOGRAPHY BOX – BRUXINHA CATARINA PARQUE DA BRUXINHA CATARINA Holography + Original The magic box at Parque da Bruxinha Catarina that captures people on video and […]
4-ZONE VOLKSWAGEN Animation 3D animation for Volkswagen, made for YouTube, in which the user can decide online which story to watch. +…+ WATCH +…+ INTERACTIVE 3D […]
O BOTICÁRIO VIRTUAL TOUR O BOTICÁRIO App Tablet application where salespeople virtually walk around and learn more about the store and products as they start working. […]
THERMO SIMULATOR MIDEA Web Find out the most suitable air conditioning model for your home, without harming the environment by wasting electricity through the Midea simulator. […]