Animation about Christmas for Shopping Patio Batel in Curitiba-PR with the projection divided between two screens and a holographic pyramid.
The project, developed together with Bertussi Design, sought to innovate in regard to conventional display models. So, one of the most challenging parts of the project was applying the animation switching between two screens and a holographic pyramid. The display structure was set up at Shopping Patio Batel in Curitiba-PR, as shown in the illustrative video above.
With this experience, the public felt immersed in the animation, obtaining an audience of 12,000 children who watched the animation exhibited at Shopping Patio Batel, a highly successful project with great feedback.
After looking at many references and doing some studies, the characters of our story came out. Belinha, the pomegranate that, on Christmas Day, turns into a Christmas ball, the boy, the boy's father and the guiding star that announces the arrival of Christmas.
The scenarios were one of the parts that demanded the most dedication in the project, we looked for references of what we wanted as a graphic unit, and we also dedicated time and attention to the details and graphic quality of the arts.
As for finalization and finishes, time was dedicated to refining the graphic elements and also to refining the animations of the scenes. A good result was obtained in terms of graphic quality and also, with regard to the technological challenge, there was positive feedback from the public in terms of innovation.