"I Love the Nightlife" - Metaverse Fashion Experience is a playful and surprising interactive experience that brings Fashion into the Metaverse.
In it, the user controls a mannequin that walks through a virtual club, being able to change its appearance, wear different types of clothes and even do incredible dances. Each club space has a type of music as a theme: KPop, Disco and DEM. Initially made for Desktop, with "I Love the Nightlife" Cafundó shows that you can create a fun shopping experience that sets trends.
For this, we created a character in the form of a mannequin, which can change its “skin” to lava, ice and marble textures. So we take advantage of the maxim "Be whoever you want" made possible by the metaverse. The user controls the character via keyboard, mouse or joystick, being able to move between environments, dress up and even do different types of dance, taking advantage of the party atmosphere of the experience.
The clothes that the user tries on are linked to the environments. A space-textured dress (KPop), sparkly basic shirt and pants (Disco), and a holographic rainbow-style sweatshirt (DEM) are available. Cafundó spared no imagination to make everything surprising and fun.
In order for the clothes to look as natural as possible on the mannequin, it interacts in real time with the movement made by the user/character. For this, the team used real-time physics applied in the Unity software, animations made by motion capture of real people from the 3D Mixamo library, a lot of technique and a good dose of sweat. The result was as if the user were wearing the clothing in a real environment, albeit in a universe with its own rules.
Using an art gallery as a starting point, the team divided the environments according to theme, but maximizing on abstraction and surprise. After all, if we are in the metaverse, why make it the same as the real world? For the KPop area, a colorful world was created, full of neon, soap bubbles and shiny particles floating around.
The Disco environment is in the open sky at night, where butterflies and mirror globes hovering in the air bring a playful glamor to the experience. Finally, the DEM area has a techno vibe, with suspended geometric shapes and characters inspired by the Matrix movie creating a waterfall.
In addition, mirrors were strategically placed so that the user/character could better see how the clothes were on their body and make different combinations between skin textures, virtual clothes and environments.