The animated series "Ovelina" takes young viewers on an exciting journey of discovery and understanding, showing that everything has two sides, even the characters!
In collaboration with creator Pamella Pesareli, Cafundó is producing the animated series "Ovelina," which tells the story of a feline sheep, part lion and part sheep, and her friends. They embark on adventures in a universe where characters are a blend of two animals and learn that true magic lies in the complementarity of all things, even in a world full of differences.
In "Ovelina," characters inherit the form of two animals as well as their personalities. They face childhood conflicts by dealing with duality within themselves. The main character is Ovelina, the daughter of a lion father and a sheep mother, who is intelligent, brave, and a leader like a lion, but sweet and kind like a sheep. Her friends include the cautious and indecisive Gica, a mix of giraffe and kangaroo, the energetic and carefree Macarugo (monkey with turtle), the contrarian and patient Porgato (pig with cat), and the youngest and clumsy Pimpim (penguin and chameleon).
"Ovelina" combines innovative techniques to bring to life a vibrant and colorful world. The characters are developed in 3D, but their charming facial expressions are animated in 2D. The settings feature a hybrid blend of 3D and 2D environments, providing a unique and engaging visual experience. The rendering style is designed for fun, with vibrant colors and contrasting movements.
To bring the 3D characters to life and experiment with techniques, the studio used Motion Capture, a technique that allows the recording and reproduction of human movements, transforming them into digital animation.
In the development phase, "Ovelina" is aimed at children aged 3 to 5 years, with 26 episodes of 7 minutes each.