Readers of the writer Paulo Coelho who seek enlightenment in his texts can hear the magician's inspiring phrases through Alexa, from Amazon.
For this, Cafundó worked on the voice interface design thinking about the person who wants a phrase to start their day or a pinch of motivation. Quick conversations and a dialogue flow that gets straight to the point were created. To create an atmosphere of reflection, in addition to Alexa's voice, the phrases are spoken by a narrator, giving emotion to the experience.
With Alexa's skill, in addition to having the world of the writer's books, his fans can hear Paulo Coelho's knowledge as if he were by their side.
Cafundó Estúdio Criativo, at the request of Paralela, the author's publisher, developed the skill “Frases do Paulo Coelho” to celebrate the author's books. Alexa speaks a selection of excerpts from the books to motivate and reflect. It is enough for the user to say “Alexa, open Frases do Paulo Coelho and inspire me”.