ELISA ANDREOLI – LIFE AND WORKS COLÉGIO ELISA ANDREOLI Animation Animation about the life story of the religious Elisa Andreoli using parallax technique. +…+ WATCH +…+ […]
4-ZONE VOLKSWAGEN Animation 3D animation for Volkswagen, made for YouTube, in which the user can decide online which story to watch. +…+ WATCH +…+ INTERACTIVE 3D […]
SICOOB – 30 YEARS SICOOB Animation Animation made in celebration of the 30 years of history of the organization Sicoob SC/RS, mixing live action with animation. […]
GLOBO NETWORK 50 YEARS REDE GLOBO Animation Pop version of the most remarkable characters from Globo’s telenovelas in animation for the multiplatform project #Noveleiros. +…+ WATCH […]
THE SAPIENS PARQUE UNIVERSE SAPIENS PARQUE Animation We show innovation in a creative environment in a super 3D animation! +…+ WATCH +…+ CONTENT ANIMATION There’s a […]
BRAVURA – SHORT FILM CAFUNDÓ Animation + Original Follow the bullfighter Paco Bravo in his 100th bullfight with a great challenge: a bullfight in Mexico, on […]
BRUXINHA CATARINA MALUNA PRODUÇÕES Animation A musical animation series fully animated in the studio. +…+ WATCH +…+ AN UNEXPECTED CALL One of these days Paulo Jeremias […]
PAULA FERNANDES VIDEO PAULA FERNANDES Animation How about experiencing an enchanted world with dragons and princesses? That is the music video for the song Se o […]
TECH BIRDS KOERICH Animation Cafundó created some little creatures to help Koerich spread all about their phone technology +…+ WATCH +…+ CHALLENGE The idea of the […]