EDUCATIONAL GAMES IN AUGMENTED REALITY DOM BOSCO Augmented Reality + Game Learn to read, count and imagine with educational games in augmented reality in the Dom […]
CHICKEN VS ALIENS CAFUNDÓ Interactive Installation + Game + Original The experience that integrates the real world with the virtual in just one game and was […]
HOLOGRAPHIC TOUCH TABLE SESI Game + Holography + Interactive Installation Learning has never been so interesting: learn about the interactive experiences we have developed for the […]
NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION DAY SESI Animation + Game + Virtual Reality Interactive and tech activities to make the National Civil Construction Day even more special, smart and […]
BRAVURA BULLFIGHTING VR GAME CAFUNDÓ Virtual Reality + Game + Original Bravura gets a game in Virtual Reality. It’s your chance to fight a friendly bull […]
MISTERY OF DREAMS GAME XMILE LEARNING Game + Web Learning with technology and fun: Xmile and Cafundó together for early childhood education through fun games! +…+ […]